And that tension between your success and your soul? It’s not meant to be solved – it’s meant to be surrendered to.
Full Name *
E-Mail *
Business website *
How did you find me? FacebookLinkedInInstagramWeb searchPodcastSummitWord of mouthother
Type of business/industry *
Current annual revenue range * $100K-$250K$250K-$500K$500K-$1M$1M+
What whispers of your soul’s calling are becoming too loud to ignore? *
How is your body speaking to you right now? (Share what physical signals are arising) *
What do you sense is trying to emerge through your business, beyond the financial success you’ve already created? *
When you envision yourself as a fully embodied feminine leader, what becomes possible? (Let your heart dream big) *
Are you ready to invest $1000-5000+ in your transformation? Our work together is a sacred container for profound change. * YesNo
As you complete this application, what truth is rising to be heard? *
0 + 1 = ? Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *