Why you hesitate to do what it takes to make your nervous system happy?
In the past few months, I’ve heard a common theme that keeps coming up – women are scared of what it will take to change and make their nervous system happy.
They want to be happy
Wickedly, deliciously happy – well loved, well fed, and well fu8ked.
But for reasons of their own
And often for reasons applauded by society,
They feel they shouldn’t put their focus on themselves (instead of just business) or do anything to rock the boat.
And that, dear one, is the type of fear that will block you from creating your most magical life.
In order for you to get past this block, let’s take a look at 3 of the top reasons why you hesitate to make your nervous system happy – and why they are BS.

1. “I’m not sure it is for the good of my business.”
Is drinking wine to unwind for the good of your business? Is staying up and mindlessly scrolling through social media for the good of your business?
Would it be for the good of your business if you took a month off so you could get deep rest?
Weren’t all the courses you purchased that are collecting proverbial dust on your computer bought for the “good of the business”?
My point is that running everything through your conditioned filter of what is good for your business is not always useful.
Try this line of questioning instead:
Will making my nervous system happy make me feel calm and centered so I can make better, faster decisions?
Will I be more heart-centered in my leadership?
Will I be more loving and receptive to the men in my life?
Would I be OK if it DID help my business and I had some fun doing it?
Then run it by your intuition to see if your heart and body say yes.
2. “I’m not certain that my nervous system needs healing.”
I get it, you’ve been healing for years – and I mean alllll the things. You’ve likely done talk therapy, plant medicine, more orgasms, and even considered prescription medication to feel centered and focused.
In your mind, you are “over” healing and haven’t always gotten the results you had hoped for so why would you want to do more?
This might sound like a solid reason to not stretch to a new version of yourself by taking a chance on a fresh approach.
Said with love, this sounds like a cop-out. I would rather you say, “I don’t trust myself to make this decision, please don’t point this out to me.”
Because every new version of you will feel a little weird at first and this doesn’t mean that you have a lot of healing to do.
When people tell me they don’t have any healing to do – I say, of course you don’t!
But if your nervous system contracts in response to the man in your life not doing what you want or money looking a little low, and then you find yourself veering into a fork in the road out of fear or frustration, and then you wonder how in the hell you got off track again…this work can help you.
I am talking about your blind spot and everybody has one…even the most high-powered CEOs.
Said with love, saying that you don’t need to work with your nervous system because you don’t need healing is nonsense.
Working with your nervous system is a path to power. Period.
If you are done with healing, fu8k the healing train – let’s call it what it is.
Working with your nervous system is mastering yourself.
For all you know, your nervous system is exactly what you need to get yourself on the right track once and for all.
3. “I don’t feel like I have that kind of time.”
If you are like many of the ambitious women I have worked with, you’ve got a big vision like wanting to write a book while you run your business, love your man, mother your children, and take care of your clients.
What this means is: that you are wildly busy.
Naturally, you are drawn to only engage in new things that have a direct and obvious impact on your bottom line, AKA “make you more money.”
Plus if you consider yourself “Type A”, you like to run a tight ship.
I had a client just like you who, as well put-together as she was, was more miserable than she had ever been because she developed a debilitating case of insomnia that didn’t let go until she was so exhausted that she stopped trying to uphold her identity as “superwoman”.
She didn’t have the time for nervous system work until she hit a wall, and came to me to get direct help for her body, and now she is happier and has more time than ever before.
What I am trying to say is: you can tell yourself forever that you don’t have time and your inner critic will agree with you – until your body speaks so loudly that you can no longer pacify her – and then it is going to suck – like can’t get out of bed and do the work you love, and you stopped wanting sex, and your kids are pulling at you – that kind of suck.
If your nervous system isn’t happy, you can’t fake it for long. The bill always comes due.
I’m not saying this to scare you. I am saying this because women wait until they are in a bad situation or in a lot of pain before they realize the body is not a luxury but a legitimate asset in their business.
I invite you to check in with your body.
You don’t necessarily need to do more healing to make your nervous system happy.
You don’t need to wonder if mastering your nervous system will benefit your business or your sex life (duh – it most certainly will).
And you don’t want to fall for the trick of waiting until you have a gap in your schedule because life will create that gap for you in a way you don’t like one bit – like an illness you can’t shake.
You might be surprised at how fantastic you feel and how much nicer you are to be around – and isn’t that the quality of life and business you want anyway?
In Love,
Dr. S
P.S. I am accepting applications to work with me for 90 days
Registration is open just this week and I have 2 spots left, closing on July 8th.
You can click this link, email, and apply for a spot!