What are the symptoms of the Mother-Lover Paradox?

The reason that your body is having recurring symptoms of burnout is because you are denying the age-old shame of being both a mother and a lover.

I call this the mother-lover paradox.

Every woman is at a different stage of this conundrum and it affects every area of your life.

In Type 1 #motherloverparadox,

You have thyroid and/or adrenal problems, teetering around potential burnout, and money comes in slowly or hardly at all.

You feel like an ass when you get irritable with your children but you just want to be left alone to do your work

You have nearly given up on ever feeling really sexy and are more comfortable chasing after what you want than drawing it to you (men, money, clients, opportunity).

You hide your body with frumpy clothes and pine away for the days when you felt hot, naughty, and free.

You want to be able to bring money in consistently, heal your body, WHILE being a better mama and this is annoyingly elusive.

You’d be thrilled with $10K months.

You joke and kid about how your body is no longer yours, will never be the same, and you do your best to be OK with the puffiness, fatigue, and cellulite, telling yourself that this is normal. But you secretly hate it.

You want to be desirable and desiring yet it feels like you have forgotten how. You are able to make money but it goes out as fast as it comes in, sometimes faster.

The thought of never being able to fully express yourself through your work breaks your heart and sends you deeper into the shame, and to the refrigerator.

You don’t want a rigid diet because you want food to feel pleasurable. But you keep trying to control your diet because you are just too tired to work out and dream of being fit again.

You try a little detoxing, go to healer after healer, a retreat or two, do some serious soul-searching, you try to exercise more, and you start getting your energy back. You feel like you are finding yourself again and making headway.

But then you hit another speedbump. Your kids need you. Your business model changes. Your desires and your focus change. Your creative flow oscillates between a rush of ideas and drying up.

What used to work (food, moving your body, support systems) doesn’t work anymore.

It sends you into a constant seeking for *THE way* to have balanced hormones, consistent energy, consistent everything (cash flow, creative flow, sex drive) and never quite landing on it

You need to get free of the shame of the mother-lover paradox and the illusion that motherhood ever stole anything from you.

Then the powerful, highly motivated, and ever soulful being who you truly are will emerge and your body will be yours once again.

If this resonates with you, click here to apply to work with me

If this USED TO be you, click here to read about Type 2 of the Mother-lover paradox