In Type 2 Mother-Lover Paradox, you’ve got 85% of your life sorted, your kids are a bit older, and now you want to climb mountains.

You feel like you pretty much have it all except ACCUMULATION of cash and CONSISTENCY in your health when you achieve higher levels of success.

You wonder: “What have I done to my body REALLY? Is it my age? Am I like my mom?” (Oh please, not like my mom…)

Every time you get a low-energy day, a virus, or something unexpected requires all of your attention, you feel the old fear of being derailed and not being able to be present for your family.

Or worse: you become concerned that you won’t be able to do your work. 

You get dizzy and light-headed sometimes and it is really un-nerving.

You’ve got estrogen dominance, quiet adrenal fatigue, some stuff with your blood pressure, and a fear of losing what you’ve built.

And you’re not just building a business just to make great money. You want to be benevolent and philanthropic with your money and to create a legacy for your kids.

And for that, you want to earn at least $40K+/month.

You want your body to be able to keep up with your mind

You feel like you are still overweight but now you love your body anyway.

You take so much pleasure in eating and drinking and you are not afraid to *clean it up* but a rigid diet would feel like a prison so a strict eating plan doesn’t turn you on.

Your body simply will not tolerate even the slightest rejecting or betraying yourself or your intuition. Doing that will not work ever again. You know because you’ve tried and failed. Any further attempts send you backward and dry up the flow and that’s a big hell no for you.

Believe me, all of the inner work that you have done so far has been worth it and you have released a ton of shame. I know that you are done rebelling, done following shiny objects and ready to smash this pattern for good

And you are willing to do whatever it takes to stand up for your body and your spiritual mission.

My darling, you are in the right place. You’re amazing and your gifts are incredible. And there is a very specific procedure that will help you.

You see, the frequency of your body makes all the difference.

When you work with me, my procedure will repair the frequency of your vibrant body, sensual nature and maximum money/energy.

It is like performing *surgery* to excise the problem and restore the flow.

Followed by specific after are to keep your channels open and support your nervous system through the influx of energy. 

Your nervous system must be TRAINED to handle more. 

Because your next level of success REQUIRES it.

If you want this done and done NOW without disrupting all the things in your life and the business that you LOVE, click here to apply to work with me.

You can also read about Type 1 Mother-Lover Paradox by clicking here.